OK, this might be overstepping the line a bit but we thought we'd put down a list of resolutions for everyone.
Stop worrying, gripe less, talk without using words/phrases no one has ever heard of. (I'll let the comments add to this) Forget about IEEE injustice. It's just another regular back-stab. Plenty of those going around. Shall not display my immense expertise in lightning behaviour.
Stop this obsessive, compulsive behaviour over Sharon, love BD more, look for other people to satisfy me, learn how to be IEEE con so that everyone doesn't laugh at me in final year.
Stop belting Heda, he may just be the one. Patent "shaaaata-thu" - It's being used way to often.
Watch out for new attendance rules - 85 %. Shaata.
I've got to focus. There is only one person for me. Come on, spell it out - maybe I'll remember it better: A. D. I. T. I. = Aditi. Foreigners are not going to be around anymore. There is only one person for me. There is only one person for me.....
No repeat of last year. No mooning over one person. There are plenty of fish in the sea. I've just got to catch one sucker. Just one.
Calm down. I don't have to show everyone that I'm the best. They should already know it by now :D
MATLAB is not the be-all and end-all. There's more to life than Image Processing.
Gotta find the cheapest connection to Mysore. Need to save more if clandestine trips are to continue. Also need a better cellphone battery.
Forgive Gulati for beltings received in summer. Top class, show N.V. who's boss. Gossip with greater accuracy. I'm the KING. Yo!
EnViCi: I will not be bastard. I will not be bastard. No wait, I will be a bigger bastard.
Adi: I shall not message, its time I moved a level upwards. And yes, I shall no longer deny my Chinese roots. My country is finally going to make me proud at the Olympics. Also, grow lengthwise and NOT breadth-wise!
Well, We've run out of decent resolutions. Feel free to add some if you like.
Disclaimer: This post has been as such, APPROVED by ALL blog members. Yes, that right. You've got to belt us all :)
A new era
4 weeks ago
Ha Ha! I like mine even though I will make her avoid this as much as possible!
whats this i hear about 85 pc attendance?
I think those are the new rules. Someone was telling me at the end of last sem. I really hope it isn't true.
well i 'spose the new rules are for all the NIT's.
the nagpur fellas are havig an 8am to 8 pm day from the coming year.
hopefully that will not happen with us :P
as for the post - most excruciatingly accurate piece of work gulu!
as for me - well be assured there will be no repeat of last time :)
i have learnt my lessons!
Not only my work. The last two were courtesy peACE.
Once again it is shown that peACE and Ql have something more than what is normal :) :P
Truely abnormal!!
How come no sharon ?
"I will attend classes. Will not eat, sleep and play at GameDrome for more than 150 hrs a week. :P"
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