We've heard a lot about DOTA, haven't we? The game everyone spends hours at, trying to "impale" the proverbial monster/hero or "hook" the cat to oblivion.
What we haven't heard of is another game of epic "shag" potential. WoW is the ultimate noob heaven. Here is a game where how good you are has no bearing on your thinking, hand-eye coordination or decision making abilities. What a heaven-sent! A dim-witted, hare-brained buffon (ahem... peACE can name someone here?) can beat Hanni/Datta/Adi given sufficient time. (and Xp - the elixir of WoW life) Why bother honing your thinking ability? All you need is infinte patience and the inhuman power to fight boredom at every level. This is what a typical WoW game looks like:
1) Find some poor creature of lower level than oneself.
2) Kill poor creature, making sure to strip its body bare of any useful items. Stringy wolf meat anyone?
3) Find more poor creatures and repeat steps 1,2 ad infinitum...
4) Find still more poor creatures and repeat step 3 (by extension, steps 1,2)
5) Occasionally, find some being much higher in level than you and beg him to give you some "quest" to take your mind of the incessant boredom
6) Perform "quest" that invariably involves steps 1,2,3 and 4 to be repeated several excruciating times over.
7) Gain ONE precious level of experience. Congratulations, you've got 2^1024 levels to go. See you on the other side of infinity.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention how NITK has adapted WoW. We keep one computer as the server. This computer contains ALL the data - Individual player's levels, quests etc. The whole nine yards. Every once in a while, the computer crashes. Hence the server has to be reset. Poof! There goes your hard work and 10000 crit kills. You've just been demoted from level 60 (It took literally months to reach - the higher levels take exponentially longer to cross) to level 1. All your hours spent wondering where to find your next quest from or how to enhance damage by 50 points, down the electronic drain. If by some miracle the computer behaves itself, the game's ruling "committee" decide to reset the servers anyway. Me thinks someone spent WoW time in class (trying desperately to reach 75%) instead of being dutifully glued to their monitors. How dare he? The shame! Luckily the "committee" understood the person's problems and decided to give him another chance. Phew! They just saved his life.
Silly me. I almost forgot to mention the inspiration for this article. A group of WoW addicts are heading back to college almost 48 hours early to, guess what? Play WoW. They intend to be at least 20 levels above the rest of the riff-raff before classes start. A lead to last? I doubt it. The server will crash anyway.
A new era
4 weeks ago
whoops, maybe in wow they can
lol...yeah :)
ROFL... very well written da...
One thing for sure ... no matter how much you criticize it , WoW is here to stay ..
Hey your spelling is wrong. Its impale not impail :P
am i stoned or did i not get any of that?
that same feeling a non gamer has when he sits in the class along with the dota shaggers!
We were in the same "corri" with these guys remember? :D
Well, we still are. No complaints though. Much too entertaining :)
How can any post about wow be complete without any mention of He Who Has No life (aka ari) who spends all his time
a) shagging wow, or
b) shagging wowwiki
You do him a grave injustice, gulati :P Its not like anyone is going to talk about him except if the topic of the conv is wow
Lol ... raghavan is there again to belt his best pals : Bk n Ari !!
Btw nice article, but if u were in the same corridor as Bk ( in 7th block i mean), there wud b more 2 it. eg: shouting as usual, asking server tps and a long list which im not jobless enuf 2 explain
And dont worry, for the coming year ull hav "fun" and "entertainment" in that 3rd block corridor!!
ps: ill make sure of that!!
No problem. I'll write another post next year then :D
Btw. My apologies to Ari :D
You take that back, heretic!!
(Angry mob screams," Burn him alive!!")
"Thank you very much."
Elvis has left the building.
I second that! :)
Jealous of my Elvisness?
You wish! :)
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